In traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we closely note the pathways and channels that facilitate the circulation of qi energy throughout the body, identifying and correcting the areas where qi energy has been blocked or restricted. This blockage sometimes manifests as numbness, pain, or areas of tenderness in the body, which are often times more noticeable during the course of an illness. Cupping, a treatment in which the cups are applied with light suction to different points on the body, helps to increase blood flow, relieve muscle tension, and provides a feeling of deep physical relaxation.
WHat can be treated?
Cupping Therapy is one of several methods used to address symptoms of muscle pain, inflammation, low blood flow, or even the common cold. While this treatment has proven to be very effective for a variety of ailments, it is not advisable for those with severe allergies, skin conditions, open sores, or (on certain areas) of women during pregnancy. If you have any questions about whether or not you could benefit from this treatment, be sure to consult your Chinese Medicine Doctor!
Cups are typically placed along the back, neck, and shoulder areas, during the treatment. The TCM doctor will normally leave the cup on the patient for about 10 mins, facilitating a relaxing experience. In cases where multiple cupping treatments are required, the same area will not be cupped again, until any discoloration or cupping marks have subsided. In most patients, cupping marks disappear within a week of the treatment, with slight variations in timeframe, according to a person’s age and physical condition.
how to prepare
This treatment is meant to stimulate tissue rest and relaxation. Much like massage, we recommend that patients be comfortably fed and fully hydrated, before their treatment. As the case with most treatments, communication is key— be sure to maintain an open dialogue about your condition, concerns, and improvements, with your TCM doctor. Happy healing!