How does it work?
Traditional Chinese medicine can be thought of as the practice of understanding and interpreting what the body is trying to tell us, via acupuncture and acupressure points. As specialists, we closely note the pathways and channels that facilitate the circulation of qi energy throughout the body, identifying and correcting the areas where qi energy has been blocked or restricted. This blockage sometimes manifests as pain or areas of tenderness in the body, which are often times more noticeable during the course of an illness. By stimulating these problem areas to treat the ailment, the body can actually heal itself. Acupuncture (needling) is often used in conjunction with an herbal prescription that helps to nourish the body, while helping to facilitate the proper flow of qi energy, resulting in a healthier mind, body, and spirit.
Acupuncture, among other treatments within the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an extremely flexible and forgiving way to address the root cause of an illness, while minimizing the amount of stress on the body. While Chinese Acupuncture can be used to treat existing conditions, it is just as effective as a form of preventative medicine, making it an invaluable tool for maintaining and improving one's overall health and wellness.
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can aid in the treatment of lower back pain, wrinkle removal, and migraines, in addition to treating skin irritation and allergies. Patients with more complex conditions such as infertility and heart disease have also benefitted greatly from acupuncture treatments.
What to expect
Many people are surprised to learn how much they discover about their general health and wellness, upon their first visit. Traditional Chinese medicine does not require high tech machinery or invasive techniques, to determine the cause of a condition. The body has many ways of reporting on the overall status of one’s health, while pointing out any specific deficiencies that need to be addressed through treatment. Like a car, one's body is a machine that occasionally requires a tune-up. While the machine may not be “ broken," there are plenty of adjustments that can ensure the prevention of a “break” along the way. Don’t neglect your machine!
I am afraid of needles/ will this hurt?
The acupuncture needles are nothing to fear! They are completely sterile, never reused, and are discarded safely, after your visit. The typical feeling most patients experience is that of a warm or electric sensation. The needles are hairline thick and gently tapped into place so quickly, that you hardly feel them. Most patients fall asleep soon after the needles have been inserted and rest so deeply that additional effort is required on the part of the specialist to wake them up!
Relax! The only thing you need to bring is a relaxed mind and a plan to rest. A typical session lasts for approximately 30 minutes, which includes a brief diagnosis of the issue and treatment. During the treatment, you will lie down on a clean and comfortable bed, rest under a warming lamp, and drift off to sleep. The more you can rest during your session, the faster your body can heal.